Thursday, May 30, 2013

RIP, Sun Ra (1914-1993)

Jazz composer, bandleader, and pianist Sun Ra (born Herman Poole Blount) died on May 30, 1993, in Birmingham, Alabama, just 8 days after his 79th birthday. His death was attributed to stroke and pneumonia. He was buried in the Elmwood Cemetery in Birmingham.

Jazz critic Scott Yanow said that "Of all the jazz musicians, Sun Ra was probably the most controversial," primarily because of Sun Ra's eclectic music, unorthodox lifestyle, and claims that he was of the "Angel Race" and that he was from Saturn. Ra himself said, "I write about whatever I hear, whenever the spirit hits me to write.""

In his book, The 101 Best Jazz Albums, Len Lyons describes Sun Ra's Arkestra as "a band of high contrast in which driving riffs, free soloing, sensuous orchestration, and atonal collective blowing spin like the vanes of a pinwheel."

Sun Ra and His Arkestra play "Paradise" from their Sound of Joy album here:

Lyons recommends Sun Ra's album, Live at Montreux (Inner City). The album is available on CD from
